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Gary Anderson

Gary is a successful businessman who has proved God’s direction in business though his multi million turnover company. His policy is to learn to hear God’s voice in all decision making in life. As a young man he assumed he was a Christian until confronted by the absolute requirement for a personal faith. His encounter with the living Lord Jesus transformed his life and its direction and purpose. 
Gary is still in business and also pastors a growing vibrant church. He has proved God’s faithfulness in success and also through life’s many challenges. Here is a story to help you to know God and not to be missed.

Hazel and Jamie Connor

One of 4 children born into a Christian family, Her father who was a Pastor had to come back to Ireland because of illness then worked as a Cobbler. Hazel married Stephen     and they have three children. The diverse hobbies caused the couple to drift apart aand in 2009 their marriage was in trouble. Seeing Jamie praying they both asked what he was praying about, his answer was “that you and daddy would love each other again”. After facing a lot of issues and receiving counselling the marriage has been restored. Jamie was taken seriously ill in 2013 turning blue from his feet up had aneurism in brain, faced death but after lumber puncture was healed and out of hospital in 10 days. Jamie encounters God in worship, wants to serve God through dance and performing arts.

Gemma Gurney

In 13 foster homes, abused, rejected becomes a brand new person reaching others with the love of God
Born into religious family, uncles were a priest and a monk but grew up in 13 different foster homes, attended Catholic and Protestant schools but never experienced the presence of God. With tremendous determination Gemma provided for herself as teenager, met her husband to be at 15 and describes Greg as an amazing person with great integrity; they married at 20 and have 4 lovely children. Ellie is severely disabled and this caused them to question their religious background; now fully yielded to Jesus Christ their Saviour and overflowing with the Holy Spirit they dedicate every day to God.

Stephen Cargin

As a Pastor’s son, Stephen came to trust God at the age of 7 but knew many of the difficulties that children of Pastors experience as they grow up. Joined the RUC Police Force at the age of 22, being away from home began to rebel, found excitement in the temptations of life! Was involved and injured in a terrorist bomb, friends were murdered, others died, a colleague came to Stephen for answers to life but he could not help him. His life fell apart when his wife left, he felt angry and was left carrying a lot of baggage. Hear how this senior police officer, now responsible for 700 staff, had his life turned around with the ability to forgive and know God’s presence in a life changing way.

Aubrey Morris

Born in total poverty, one of 12 in South Africa, Gran was only Christian, by miracle had opportunity to go to university, went into drugs as student, hear about Jesus Christ through teacher and gave his life to the Lord. Fellow students did not expect faith to last, but changes convinced them of the reality of the experience. Was a male model to earn money, also a teacher in South Africa before coming to Ireland.Aubrey a teacher for 9 years, was released from anger and poverty to work among young people as a Youth Pastor and leads worship in his church. Written a book entitled “The Potential of Your Life”. Married to Auriel with their two sons live in Dundalk and are part of the ministry team at Newry Christian Centre which is headed up by senior Pastor Mike Holohan.

Pastor Johnny McKee

Johnny was a pastor’s son who experienced incredible love and security, plus a church family that was supportive. A move of home, a different church, the loss of a close friend brought a period of questions. Johnny had a two week trip to Canada where he had a new encounter with God which made his faith to come alive with the reality of God’s presence. Ten years as a Youth Pastor followed with many years of fruitful ministry, but the intensity of church, work, family left him burnt out and drained, however a holiday in America set him alive again in God. Johnny’s story is told in detail in this TV programme!

David Smyth & Seamus O'Connor - The Hunter & The Hunted - Part 1

David Smyth; Bitterness, hatred, injured left RUC, lost health and marriage, found by God.After an upbringing in a family supporting the Unionist cause that instilled intense dislike of Catholic people that became hatred, David joined the RUC and served in Co Londonderry. This tested his Christian faith especially when the Unionists targeted the RUC; he was injured and had to leave the RUC; following the death of his grandmother and father-in-law, David’s life went on a downward spiral through depression, losing his health, wealth and marriage. What changed his life around and caused him to work with a Republican, Seamus O’Connor to bring reconciliation in Northern Ireland? Listen to joint interview entitled the “Hunted and the Hunter” with Seamus and see what reconciliation involves.

Dina Elwood

How would you feel if your mother was murdered, four of your siblings died, two through cancer and two committed suicide? Abused as a child, and in subsequent relationships, multiple suicide attempts in self pity and rebellion. Daughter met Jesus as her Saviour took Dina to a church where she found love and a year later she became a Christian. Dina is now able to live with herself and shares her love for the Lord Jesus with others.

Jack McKee - Part 1

Grew up in the Shankill Road, Belfast, surrounded by the troubles, with no church background, went to church youth activities just for something to do, challenged at 15 to give his life to Christ but wondered what about my friends and family, what will they think! Became a follower of Christ and trained as a Pastor and served, with his wife Kathleen, on Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland.
Jack was called to Pastor the Elim Church back in the Shankill Road where he has a passion to reach the disadvantaged. the New Life City Church is uniquely situated at the edge of a growing and developing downtown Belfast; situated at the lower end of the infamous Shankill and Falls communities of West Belfast. Often referred to as “The Church on the Wall” New Life City Church literally straddles the dividing line that separates the above communities and is actively and effectively working on both sides of the Wall, bringing people together through various community programmes, and ultimately seeking to unite people through personal faith in Jesus Christ.

Tony Meehan

Tony Meehan was born in Anderson Town, Belfast, brought up surrounded by paramilitary activities, challenged by the Charismatic movement in the late 1970’s and the preaching of Derek Bingham. Did not complete training to become a Priest, had a difficult journey until he experienced a deeper experience of the presence and power of God.

Married now to Noreen and they have a son called Daniel, now working as a Pastor in West Belfast working in the Falls Road showing the compassion of Jesus to the disadvantaged.

David Smyth & Seamus O'Connor - The Hunter & The Hunted - Part 2

Seamus O’Connor; Hunted as a terrorist, prison at 17, involved in “blanket protest”, met God!Coming from a republican background in Northern Ireland Seamus’ life was shaped by discrimination in County Londonderry. Arrested at the age of 17, in prison for 7 years during the “blanket protest”, a hard place to be! Seamus had a breakdown after release from prison due to post traumatic stress, anger, depression and separation from his wife and family. As Seamus was listening to music from Bridge over troubled water, he had a clear picture in his mind of Jesus as a bridge to new life. Visited 7 days later by an ex-prisoner bringing him a Bible, as he began to read God challenged him to forgive those who had treated him badly, so much more has happened. Listen to the joint interview with David Smyth entitled the “Hunted and the Hunter.

David Williamson

A Policeman in Londonderry at the height of the troubles, severely injured by an anti armour bomb, surgeons wanted to amputate his arm but with their skill, and God’s healing power retained the use of his arm? Released from Police because of injuries, David faced the loss of his wife and daughter in tragic car accident, was given up for dead. There was a remarkable healing for David and his 4 year old daughter. How did a man who faced such trials as a Christian end up with new family sharing the Jesus in Dublin?

Jack McKee - Part 2

Grew up in the Shankill Road, Belfast, surrounded by the troubles, with no church background, went to church youth activities just for something to do, challenged at 15 to give his life to Christ but wondered what about my friends and family, what will they think! Became a follower of Christ and trained as a Pastor and served, with his wife Kathleen, on Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland.
Jack was called to Pastor the Elim Church back in the Shankill Road where he has a passion to reach the disadvantaged. the New Life City Church is uniquely situated at the edge of a growing and developing downtown Belfast; situated at the lower end of the infamous Shankill and Falls communities of West Belfast. Often referred to as “The Church on the Wall” New Life City Church literally straddles the dividing line that separates the above communities and is actively and effectively working on both sides of the Wall, bringing people together through various community programmes, and ultimately seeking to unite people through personal faith in Jesus Christ.

Dr Marty Tharp

Marty experienced the most dramatic childhood, described in his autobiography “Captured”, a compulsive read, an alcoholic father, horrendous deprived background, fighting, hurting, rejected, trapped in a life of despair. Hear how a hardened construction manager was set free to become Gospel singer and preacher in full-time ministry for over 50 years.

Dr Marty Thorpe holds a BA and MA and six doctorates. Written 30 books and the Tharp family have recorded 27 Gospel Albums and are involved in a school ministry in U.S.A and Ireland.

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